Ron's Tidbits
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Don't Tell the Grieving Mother "All Lives Matter"
A knee-jerk reaction of privileged white supremacists to "Black Lives Matter" is a snarky "All Lives Matter." That response suggests they don't begin to understand the problem we have in this country with racism.
First of all, the fact that we have to be reminded that black lives matter means for way too long and in far too many places black lives have not mattered. It should be obvious that black lives matter, but it is not obvious in a society in which a young black man has to take his daughter with him when walking in his suburban neighborhood. A strong young black man without his daughter will be perceived as a threat and someone will call the police to report a "suspicious character' in the neighborhood. And then when the police arrive, so many bad outcomes are likely.
That is exactly why we have to be reminded that black lives matter.
And don't tell me all lives matter. Of course, all lives matter, but that is not relevant to our situation in 2020. If your spouses' mother dies and your spouse is grieving, one does not console the other by saying "Everyone has to go sometime." The fact that we all die is not relevant. This particular death is the matter at hand. Deal with it, don't try to generalize it.
Young black men and women in our society are being strangled and shot in the back at an alarming rate and we need to address that problem To the mother who has lost a child, do not say "All lives Matter." It is her particular young son who is lying on the slab in the morgue. Do not try to generalize that mother's grief. To generalize is to trivialize, and there is nothing trivial about the murder of one's son or daughter.
"Black Lives Matter" because we have in our midst many who think black lives don't matter.
Danielle Morgan, an assistant professor at Santa Clara University, was to meet her brother after a long COVID 19 inspired separation. Her Brother, a young black man was waiting for her on campus, when he was approached by campus security arriving in four vehicles. He was harassed simply for being there and being black. When the security detail arrived at Danielle's home. they asked her to show ID to prove her residence in her own home. This is why Black Lives Matter has to be stated. Too many people still don't get it.
And don't tell the parents of those listed below who were unarmed and are now dead that "all lives matter."
Unarmed Black and Dead:
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Democracy's Enemy is in the White House
Our democracy has always been under attack by our enemies, usually nationalistic totalitarian regimes who saw democracy as a direct threat to their authoritarian power. On the other hand, our democracy has always been flawed and we are still struggling to get it right. We have been making progress. Blacks, women, and eighteen-year-olds now have the right to vote, but our country and our politicians still conspire to create obstacles to exercising that right.
We have been getting closer to true democracy. And then 2016 happened. The majority of the voters chose one candidate, but because of an antiquated, pro-slavery provision in the Constitution, the Electoral College, the second-place finisher became the President of the United States. People around the world scratched their heads saying, "And they call that democracy? So much for the will of the people."
The winner of that election would later be impeached for soliciting foreign governments to interfere in our elections on his behalf. US agencies also determined that Russians had previously interfered in the 2016 election on his behalf. In August 2020, US intelligence informs us that Putin and Russia are again trying to influence the elections in Trump's favor and it's possible that the impeached President could be elected by a minority of the voters as happened five times in our history. Vox populi?
And now, what has the impeached Donald Trump wrought? A not so subtle attack on American democracy. In no particular order, He has:
- shut down the US Census a month early thereby preventing the poorest and least able from being counted
- appointed a political crony as Postmaster General who is ousting the professionals and in the midst of a pandemic is slowing down mail service in an attempt to undercut the vote-by-mail efforts. (Of course, Trump approves of vote-by-mail in Florida after he learned it was to his advantage there.)
- campaigned from the White House in spite of the fact it is a violation of the Hatch Act. (GOP senators ignore this abuse because they don't want to create a tweetstorm directed at them.)
- suggested posting the military at polling stations - a tactic of third-world despots.
- forced the Treasury Department to place his name on all the stimulus checks. And now, right before the election has a letter with his signature inserted in all Government Food Aid boxes. Both violations of the Hatch Act by a man who is campaigning on a law-and-order platform.
- suggested that the November election be delayed. Since he has no power to change the election, perhaps this was just another attempt to change the news cycle from Russia offering bounties for US servicemen. Also, at the same time, Trump was suggesting moving our elections, the White House was accusing Hong Kong of "undermining the democratic process" by postponing elections.
- made it clear that he and the GOP will do everything in their power (and maybe beyond their power) to suppress the vote. People around the world see an American president admitting that he wants to keep citizens from voting and wonder whether "American Democracy" is really a democracy.
- weeks before the election the President curtailed the Director of National Intelligence's report to Congress on foreign election interference. Apparently, he doesn't want Congress to know what Putin is doing to get hem reelected.
- attempted to discredit the Presidential Election in advance. One would think the incumbent President would be encouraging people to vote and doing everything in his power to protect and strengthen the sanctity of the voting process. Not our President. Fearing he will lose, he is already calling into question its validity. In fact, he has refused to say that he will accept the will of the voters. Democracy be damned.
- suggested to his followers that they vote twice, once by absentee ballot and then in person. Intentionally voting twice is a felony.
_ a deep admiration of dictators and authoritarian (anti-democratic) regimes. Not to mention, as one of his former wives informed us, he kept a copy of Mein Kampf on his bedside table.
In addition in Ohio, the GOP Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, is limiting ballot drop boxes to one per county regardless of population size. A direct attack on true democracy. One drop box in Paulding county (small population) and one drop box in Cuyahoga county (large population) limits access for urban black voters and is not fair in anyone's book. Ohio is just one example, most states with Republican legislatures are trying to suppress the vote.
History has taught us that democracy is quite fragile. There are always those, usually an authoritarian-minded nationalistic minority, who want to destroy it. Rather than compete in the marketplace of ideas and philosophies, they want to cease power by any means possible. Rather than engaging in democratic debate, they want to create distractions. Rather than lead, they want to dictate.
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Required for democracy to work. |
Sadly, we are at that stage in which democracy is under attack; and even more sadly, the attack is being marshaled by a man who took an oath to defend the US Constitution.
The solution to this sad state of affairs is for all those eligible to register to vote and then vote on November 3rd in spite of the obstacles erected by Trump and his GOP comrades. Vote early, vote by mail, vote absentee, or vote at the polls on election day and be prepared for long lines, and if they say you can't vote, request a provisional ballot. Our democracy depends on you.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Taxes Made this Country Great; Taxes Cuts Weakened It
In the early 1980s, Ronald Reagan had this "great" idea -- cut taxes for everyone, especially the wealthy. The theory was that the benefits of those cuts would "trickle-down" to everyone and the economy would prosper and pay for the cuts.
Reagan was wrong. The economy went nowhere and the deficit was out of control. (Of course, the wealthy were happy because they were paying less than their fair share of the cost of running a democracy.) In 1982 Reagan had to raise taxes and did so throughout his presidency. David Stockman, Reagan's director of the budget and architect of trickle-down theory (their fancy name for it was "supply-side economics.") later admitted it was a failure and equated it to filing for bankruptcy.
But that didn't stop the Republicans. In 2001 and 2003, George W. Bush passed a tax cut, and once again, it was to fire up the economy and therefore would pay for itself. And it was no surprise that he was wrong. The result was Bush's Great Recession and the wealthy were paying even less in taxes.
It is worth noting that in between Reagan and George W. Bush was Bill Clinton who in 1993 passed a tax increase to reduce the deficit. Republicans were predicting disaster for the economy. Once again, they were wrong. The economy flourished and the deficit turned into a surplus for four straight years.
And then in 2016 Trump was elected with a minority of the popular vote and in 2017 the Republicans were back with their same dog-and-pony show. Their large donors wanted their reward -- another tax cut for the uber-wealthy and huge corporations.
So how do the Republicans justify these tax cuts for the rich and corporations? They claimed that business investments would "skyrocket." The fact is: "... the growth rate for new orders began declining immediately after the tax cut was passed, reaching zero in late 2018 and falling into negative territory in mid-2019."*
Trump and his "team" told us the GDP would increase by 6 percent and the tax cut would pay for itself. The growth boom never happened. Corporate tax receipts fell by 40% after the tax cut and the deficit is skyrocketing. Wrong again.
The GOP also promoted the tax cut as "a jobs bill". Fact: the share of the population with jobs continued on the same track as it had since the Great Recession. No spike after the tax cuts. They promised workers' wages would somewhere between $3000 to $9000. Didn't happen. But corporate profits skyrocketed.
And the biggest scam of all was they said they were cutting taxes for everyone. However, the tax cuts for the middle class were temporary while those for the wealthy will continue.
During every recent election cycle, Republicans bring out their old, disproven tax cut dog-and-pony show and every time there are gullible taxpayers who end up voting against their best interests.
Tax cuts for the sake of tax cuts is a fool's policy. This has been going on for too long. Our country's tax policy is a mess. Then, on top of it all, the Republicans continue to defund the IRS so that our agents do not have the resources to collect from the wealthy and corporations and therefore go after the middle and lower class citizens.
Perhaps in this election voters will see the scam. Trump is now talking about another round of tax cuts while our national debt has exploded. Will voters in 2020 recognize the con when they see it? Let us but hope.
*This quote and the statistical support for the claims in this blog can be found in Kevin Drum's "Death and Taxes" in Mother Jones July/August 2020.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Postmark Bayou Chene
![Postmark Bayou Chene: A Novel by [Gwen Roland]](
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Bruce Springsteen: What Fear Has Wrought
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The Boss |
Saturday, May 30, 2020
The Perfect Storm of 2020 - The COVID Virus