Legislators pass all kinds of laws to require accountability from public employees with teachers being the target most often. These legislators who are never required to show up for work receive 2 or 3 times the salary of a teacher or fireman. If they do show up for work, they are usually "in session" less than half of the year. Oh,yes, did I mention that they decide their own salaries. As for accountability, they do have to do the bidding of Big Oil or whoever is throwing money at them. A sad situation, but that has what has become of the dream of our Founding Fathers. Greed rules.
Although I realize legislators would never truthfully answer these questions, I propose asking them the following questions
1. Have you ever read the entire US Constitution including the Amendments? (You know, the document you swore to uphold when you took the oath of office)
2. If so, when did that occur?
3. If you can't read, when was the last time someone read it to you?
4. Do you realize that when you swore to uphold the US Con, you swore to "promote the general Welfare" of the citizens? No, the Founding Fathers were not evil "socialists."
5. Do you understand that, in the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers were trying to keep religion out of government and vice versa? Yes prayers are by nature religious.
6. Do you know the difference between faith and reason?
7. Do you realize that in exchange for your salary and all your perks, you are supposed to work on the country's business and not your next election?
8. Do you know that one of your jobs, according to the Constitution, is "To Promote the Progress of Science"? (Notice, it says "promote," not "hinder.")
9.Do you know that receiving $250,000 or more for voting in favor of the Keystone pipeline is corruption? (If you get off on that sort of thing, you should move to Russia. They are very good at it.).
10. Did it ever occur to you that lobbyists with their lucre and perks are not interested in promoting "the general Welfare"?
11. Do you support the right to privacy as outlined in the Fourth Amendment? (Or do you support the George W. Bush version thereof?)
12. Did it ever occur to you that "Duck Dynasty" is not a great work of literature?
I realize legislators like John Boehner are laughing at these questions . He and his buddies like the game they and their lobbyists are playing. He knows that his country club memberships and a luxury vacation condo on Marco Island are not the result of promoting "the general Welfare," but of playing ball with the wealthy few.