Apparently, we all tend to view the world from our own perspective and often try to make reality conform to that perspective.
And then, there's Donald Trump. He has created an "alternative" universe for himself and his cult.
In Trump's world:
"I am the Chosen One."
The Christian Crusades were Europe's proudest moment.
Hitler's Mein Kampf was the acme of civilization.
Russia is our friend.
The United States Constitution is obsolete.
The Eight Beatitudes are fake Christianity.
Jesus was blond with blue eyes and spoke English.
Mexicans are "animals" and "bad hombres."
The First Amendment was a colossal mistake.
Bone spurs come and go as needed.
Greenland is for sale.
Paris is part of Germany
Belgium is a beautiful city.
The state of Colorado borders Mexico.
Minneapolis is one of the fifty states.
"I slept with Princess Diana."
Weather maps enhanced with a sharpie are convincing,
We should rid ourselves of hurricanes by nuking them.
Climate change is a hoax.
Scientists are a threat to our country.
Puerto Ricans are not Americans.
Friends are disposable once they've served their purpose.
Treaties and International agreements are made to be broken.
Our allies are expendable.
Gold Star parents* are whiny and pathetic.
The Nineteenth Amendment --Women's Suffrage -- a really bad idea.
Fox News is a real news organization,
Bribery and extortion are the "American Way."
Charitable foundations are a good way to pay legal bills.
There is one god and only one god -- money.
Bankruptcy is the consummate way to avoid paying your bills.
Homelessness started two years ago.
Ivanka created 14 million jobs last year.
We and Turkey have a great relationship with the Kurds.
Windmills cause cancer.
NATO is passe'.
"People are flushing their toilets 10 times, 15 times.." ??? In Trump's world?
"...laws allow a baby to be born from his or her womb in the 9th month. It is wrong."
George Washington seized the airports.
Forest fires can be prevented by raking the forest floor.
There is too much "negative press covfefe."
(I'm tired.)
As you know, I could keep going with this list of Trump's augmented reality, but frankly, dear reader, you deserve a break from this nonsense. Also, I am confident that you could add many more examples of Trump's delusional reality.
Notice I have not included cases of outright lies--statement diametrically opposed to the facts. The Washington Post has done a good job keeping a tally of those lies.
Unfortunately, all of this nonsense is emanating from the President of the United States. Not only has he lowered the bar for all future presidents, but he has also ruined the credibility of the United States of America. What ally will be willing to trust us? Ask the Kurds.
*Parents of a child who served in the Armed Forces and was killed in battle.