You probably have heard many Trump supporters justify their support for this man by saying they don't really like him, but they support the things he has done for their country-- notice, it's always "their country" or "my country.' but not "our country." They say things like: "He's not like me. I will never behave like him, but I am pleased with what he is doing for my country."
Nazi Slogan |
And in Trump's case, his supporters like what he has done even though they don't want to be associated with his lack of morality.
Okay, so they like what he has done. Let's see, what has he done.

In addition, he has in a few short years destroyed our country's reputation around the world. After he has unilaterally broken treaties and withdrawn from pacts and agreements, other countries no longer trust us. The American handshake has lost its credibility. His reluctance to fully accept NATO has some of our oldest allies wondering whether they can count on the United States.
Are these the Trump accomplishments that his supporters are so proud of?
Or perhaps they like his flirtation with the White Supremacists and the fact that racists now feel enabled by his rhetoric and behavior. Let's hope that is not what they like.
One of the things Trump has done that history will not forget is that he instituted policies that discriminate on the basis of religion. His Muslim ban goes contrary to our history and national character. Again, let's hope his supporters are not in favor of his religious discrimination.
And then there is what Trump has done on our southern border. Separating children from their parents and incarcerating them is not something we should be proud of. How many lives have been irreparably damaged as a result? We can but hope his supporters are not considering these policies a positive.
Another thing. Trump was impeached because he withheld military assistance to Ukraine in order to encourage interference in our 2020 elections. Strangely, even the GOP senators who acquitted him admitted that he was guilty.
At this point, Trump supporters are saying "But, but what about the economy? Our economy is doing so well. The Stock Market is at record highs. Unemployment is low. All is well."
All is well if you are wealthy because you were given a large permanent tax cut and the stock market is doing well. If you are in the middle class, you received a temporary and modest tax cut. If you are poor, you have, in this economy, very limited opportunities to improve your situation and you are losing the promised "safety net."
And looking at the bigger picture, we find Trump's economic policies have caused our national debt to mushroom. Candidate Trump promised to eliminate the nation's debt in eight years. But in reality, his policies will add $9.1 trillion during that time. The debt would increase to $29 trillion according to Trump's own budget estimates. Our country's debt exceeds our Gross Domestic Product. Now Trump tells us not to worry because we will just print more money. That's his economic policy? That indeed is worrisome.
Trump's tariff war with China has had several unfortunate results for our country. In the first place, China now buys significant amounts of agricultural products from Russia and South America instead of from our farmers. Secondly, as a result of Trump's tariff policies, our government is paying American farmers welfare checks to compensate them for the lost trade -- another hit on the budget.
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Manufacturing Recession |
And since Trump took office the number of people living in poverty has increased, as has the number of working poor. A significant number of Americans don't feel he is making America great. Many of the working poor have to hold down two jobs to stay above water.
So, when someone tells me they don't like Trump as a person, but they like what he has done, I fear they have been drinking the Kool-aide purchased at a Trump rally, You drink that stuff and your brain goes to mush.
Dear Ron,
LOVE THIS COLUMN. It is perfect. You DID forget one of the other "accomplishments" of the Idiot in Chief. Our beloved and totally blind Bishops have supported him heartily and continue to do so because he is PRO-LIFE and is stopping abortions. According to their thinking there is nothing which could overshadow this wonderful turn of events in the USA. Of course, these same Bishops turn a blind eye to the lives of the newborns whose Moms cannot afford meds and doctors and housing and silly things like that. And then there are the Seniors who are eating dog food so that they can pay for medicines. And then there are the coal miners who are now UNEMPLOYED once again and have black lung disease which is being ignored by their insurance plans or defunct companies. And the list of THESE PRO-LIFE failures never gets a mention by the pious Bishops. The same Bishops wonder why the faithful are not behind them and tossing in the dollars each Sunday. WOW! BLIND LEADERS! And Trump's infamous tax cut cost me almost 1/3 of my annual tax rebate. So much for helping the taxpayers like myself.
Thanks, Dick, for making those points. I fear there are many who like the Catholic bishops will ignore the evil in exchange for an anti-abortion stance.
Also, as far as the economy goes, Trump is allowing China to take over in Africa. While Trump has extended his travel to include nearly a quarter of Africa's population and has been cutting aid to African states, China is filling the vacuum by providing infrastructure funding and aid to the African states Trump has called "shithole countries." China is looking forward; Trump is looking inward -- not a good thing for the USA.
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