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Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Pope is at it Again!

The pope, Benedict XVI, has done it again.

Only weeks after removing the excommunications of five right-wing schismatics, one of whom denies the holocaust, he has appointed Father Gerhard Wagner as auxiliary bishop of Linz, Austria. Father Wagner, it turns out, maintains that the death and destruction of Hurricane Katrina were "divine retribution" for New Orleans' acceptance of homosexuals and loose sexual attitudes-- sounding quite similar to remarks by a few American conservative preachers. Apparently, he thinks God sent Katrina as an avenging angel to destroy abortion clinics, brothels, and nightclubs--not mentioning the innocent residents.

Father Wagner calls himself Christian, but his God is a God of the Old Testament, not the Christian New Testament.

Why would a man promulgating such an anti-christian attitude be appointed a bishop of the Catholic Church?

These two recent actions by Benedict the XVI appear to be an effort to restructure the people's Church (remember Vatican II?) into a fundalmentalist bastion of conservative theology.

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