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Saturday, January 16, 2010

In Defense of Crocs

In one the the year-end lists ("What's Hot & What's Not") that magazines love to do, I noticed that once again some self-appointed guru of fashion has declared the death of crocs. This must be the seventh year in a row that the "cool" fashionistas have made that very same prediction. Among other things, it has been called the shoe of dorks and the footwear of clowns; and consumers still insist on purchasing pair after pair.

It is not surprising that the fashion mavens in New York and Los Angeles, who in reality are hucksters pushing the wares of the apparel industry, want to see the death of a comfortable, light-weight, durable, and inexpensive shoe. If consumers have the option to buy crocs, how many pair of $250 shoes which will be uncomfortable, beat-up, and --God forbid- out of style in two years, will they be able to sell.? Probably, quite a few; for there are many consumers who ,if nothing else, want to be "fashionable." But they are not going to sell those pricey leathers to the vast unwashed masses like me.

They should not underestimate the ability of us dorks to choose a comfortable, lightweight, durable, and inexpensive pair of crocs.

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