"The Independent and Sovereign Nation of Arizona!"
That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
What about, " The Sovereign White Nation of Arizona"? A little too truthful? Might be too reminiscent of John McCain's "Straight Talk Express" before it crashed.
But to be fair; if Arizona is going to become an independent nation, it is up to them to name it. They may prefer something like: "The Hallowed Nation of Fundamental Christian Arizona." But that doesn't lend itself to a catchy acronym; HNFCA sounds like an infectious disease spread by foreigners. That will never do.
And they may choose to drop the word, "arizona" altogether since no one knows what it means; and, God forbid, it may have a Spanish or Indian source. They may like: "The Soveriegn State of Documented Americans" --SSDA.
I got it. What about: "Sovereign Nation of Biological Supremacy" -- SNOBS. No, that will not work. One has to be much more subtle.
In a bow to history, they might call it "The Sovereign Sate of Guadalupe Hildago" in acknowledgement of the treaty by which the United Sates forced Mexico to turn it over. I guess that is a little much; no one wants to admit that much of their state was stolen from Mexico.
But that's Arizona's problem. First we must expel Arizona from the Union and let them create a sovereign state. It would be nice if they seceded, but they obviously are too attached to all the goodies that come their way from detested Washington. Given that situation, we will have to expel them from the Union.
Once that is accomplished, they can build that "danged" wall all around the state. A wall on the Mexican Border is not enough. One has to be careful. Who knows? Undocumented Mexicans might slip in from places like Utah. If they could build one in Berlin, China and Jerusalem, the sovereign nation of Arizona can do it too. Then they can truly say,"What happens in Arizona stays in Arizona." And that might be a good thing.
But, before they seal off the wall completely, they should first allow their fellow travelers like Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin inside. Now Sarah is from Alaska, but she obviously doesn't like it there as she spends all of her time in the "lower 48" collecting money for her book and speeches. And Alaskans, based on the polls, would be happy to get rid of her. As for Rush, they would have to promise him tons of money and give him a title such as "The Sovereign Voice of Right Wing Wisdom" --oops an oxymoron. Not to worry, he will think of something.
The problem is the millions of Hispanics, both documented and undocumented, living in Arizona. Even if one is "documented," she or he will not want to live as a second class citizen. The Mexicans and other Latinos will have to leave. The problem is: where can they go? I suggest the Midwest, an area which has benefited from hard-working migrants who have become an integral part of the community, starting their own businesses, and completing advanced degrees. Arizona then may find, albeit too late, that those "criminal and lawless Mexicans" were an important piece in the puzzle.
Of course, the people of Arizona or whatever name they choose to call themselves will no longer receive the benefits they received being a part of the United States of America, but they will have Sarah and a shithouse full of firearms.Also they will not have to deal with the EPA and those crazy tree-huggers like Teddy Roosevelt trying to preserve the Grand Canyon
The only problem with this perfect scenario is that I find nothing in the Constitution that provides for expelling or excommunicating a state. In spite of all its anti-government diatribe, Arizona will not secede because they know in their bones that the government they vilify is the best thing they have going for them. They have a tough choice.
You gotta love democracy.
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