Teachers' Pension
My friends and I who are retired school teachers have been receiving
disturbing news for the last several years. It appears teacher
retirement pension plans are grossly under-funded. Researchers
(USA Today) owe pensioners about $600 billion more than the
funds have. About $160 billion is due to recent developments in the
stock market, but much the discrepancy is due to "funds lowballing
the cost of future benefits."
Every public pension fund in this country is either bankrupt or on the
brink of it. Fortunately, Ohio's teachers' fund, STRS, is better off than
most, but it requires immediate attention to make up the lost funds.
It did not help that in 1999, the STRS Board instituted the
35 year/88.5% retirement benefit. That short-sighted decision, plus
the down turn in the market, has allowed the fund to fall into the
present situation.
A number of Ohio's retired teachers began teaching for less than
$5,000 a year with the consolation that they would have a good
retirement with their health care provided. They have seen the health
care benefits decrease and now have to worry about value of
their pension.
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