The usual unreliable sources inside Sarah Palin's compound in Wassila, Alaska, report that some former "sweethearts" and others are being dropped from Sarah's Valentine's mailing list this year. As one can imagine, there never were any Democrats, liberals, progressives, immigrants, or minorities on the list; so those who were eliminated were fellow Republicans, other clan members, or journalists. Those who will not receive a Valentine card from her (in no particular order) are:
1. Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol's child and Sarah's grandchild.
2. John McCain, the presidential candidate who placed her on the national stage.
3. Rick Santorum, the "knuckle-dragging Neanderthal" who suggested she was mercenary.
4. Katie Couric, the journalist who asked her unanswerable questions --What newspapers do you read?
5. Barbara Bush, who suggested Sarah should stay in Alaska.
6. Karl Rove, who said Sarah is not a viable presidential candidate and she suggested he could "go to..."
7. Lisa Murkowski, Rep. senator from Alaska who says Sarah "is no leader."
8. Arnold Schwarzenegger, ex gov. of California who made fun of Sarah's "I can see Russia from my house."
9. Maureen Dowd, columnist who wrote that Sarah has "made ignorance fashionable."
10. Donald Trump, who says Sarah can't win a national election.
Nevertheless, their are still many "mama grizzlies" on her list.
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