Kasich's School Bus Prior to Crash |
When John Kasich became Ohio's governor after receiving less than 50% of the votes cast, he told Ohions to either get on his school bus or be run over by it.
With a legislative program previously prepared by the Koch brothers and a Republican majority in the legislature, he pushed through SB5, a bill eliminating collective bargaining. Ohioans demanded a referendum and on 11/8/2011 Kasich's bus ran into the wall of voter opposition.
Given his present situation, the embarrassed governor is in need of consolation and advice. I am here to offer both:
1) Thank your lucky stars, John, that Ohioans are not able to recall the governor. If they were, ....can you spell T-O-A-S-T?
2) If you have not mastered training wheels, do not consider driving a school bus.
3) Once you have wrecked the bus, it is a good idea to get your ass off before it explodes.
4) Having wrecked the damn thing, try to find someone you can blame. Unfortunately, I can't think of anyone but you.
5) Although it's a little late in this case, in the future you may want to consider negotiation and compromise. Just saying.
6) And, of course, John, you can always go back to Wall Street where you receive a bonus for screwing up.
7) If you want a quick "pick-me-up," you could sell the Ohio Turnpike to a private corporation....or sell Lake Erie to Dasani bottled water (Coca Cola). After all, privatization of public assets is conservative codeine.
8) Do a George-W-Bush move. Hurry up and sign a book deal with Random House. The longer you wait, the less money you will be able to get. And don't worry; you don't have to actually write a book yourself. Please tell me you didn't think GWB wrote that book.
9) And if the Ohio Highway Patrol questions you about speeding when you wrecked the school bus, please do not call them "idiots" or ask them "Do you know who I am?" They know who you are -- the guy who tried to reduce their pay and pensions.
10) And finally, please read "All I Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" by Robert Fulgham. As the book suggests, one should always remember to flush.