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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are You a 1% Wannabe?

Even with my limited math skills, I realize that most of us are not and never will be among the top 1% in terms of wealth. We are and will always be among the 99% who share the leftovers after the 1% has taken the majority of the nation's wealth.

If that's the case, how does a major political party like the GOP, who caters to the interests of the 1%, remain politically competitive? Would not the 99 % win every election? Perhaps, the answer lies in the fact that wealth is power in this country, and the wealthy and huge corporations have the ability to use their power to drown out the message of the troublesome 99%.

Another, less obvious answer is that there are millions of "1% Wannabes." They apparently vote in favor of the 1% in the hope that they maybe among them one day. Fat chance! Oh, okay, if you have a billion dollars that you did not earn yourself, and you don't pay any federal income taxes, you might make the elite 1%.

So who are these 1% wannabes? I thought you would never ask.

You might be a 1% wannabe,

1) if you are too busy making a living to notice the crimes committed by Wall Street and the Big Banks.
2) if you think educational opportunity should be based on one's wealth.
3) if you think the Koch brothers are unbiased philanthropists.
4) if you think the wealth of the 1% is going to trickle down and land in your sorry pocket.
5) if you actually thought the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy were temporary.
6) if you think Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia are not influenced by the fees they receive from the wealthy members of Federalist Society.
7) if you watch Fox "News" on a semi regular basis.
8) if you agree with Grover Norquist that Americans should never sacrifice financially for the sake of their country.
9) if you think Wall Street and the pharmaceutical Industry can and will regulate themselves.
10) if you think providing a tax cut for the wealthy is more important than providing a health care safety net for our most vulnerable..
11) if you thought John McCain's "friend" from Toledo, Joe the Plumber, is an economic genius.
12) if you believe, as the Puritans, that material wealth is a sign from God that one is "chosen." 
13) if you think that the Republicans have not been redistributing the nation's wealth to the few. 
14) if you think the "Corporate Good" is more important than the "Common Good."
15) if you think US police should club, pepper spray, and shoot rubber bullets at OWS protesters.
16) if you think Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan is good for the country.
17) if you think Mitt Romney has a just and fair economic plan, or any plan at all.
18) if you think the health care plan of Congress is okay for them, but too good for the rest of us.
19) if you think a major corporation is a person, as the Edwards' court ruled.
20) and finally, if you think that we should not be equal by law, but that the wealthy should be given special privileges because of their wealth.

Face it, if you agree with most of the above, you are an advocate of plutocracy, not democracy.

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