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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Football, Politics, and Hash Browns

Buck's Hash Browns
My friend, Buck, met me for breakfast today at The Hills Hash House. I say "friend" because what else do you call a guy you hang out with once a week? The fact is we are not at all similar. While I am a Democrat, Buck calls himself a Republican.--closer to Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower than any current Republican standard-bearer. Given that difference, one would think politics would be a verboten topic of conversation. Not so. We relish political trash talk. Buck is a Michigan Wolverine and Detroit Lion football fan while I have spent a lifetime following the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Cleveland Browns. Needless to say, we waste hours talking about football as if we actually knew something about it; so we are not much different from the talking heads on ESPN.

Since Michigan won a close game over Virginia Tech last night, I expected Buck to be in a great mood this morning. Not so much so. "Sure they won the game on points but they got their butts kicked. Denard Robinson and the offense never showed up. I hope this is not what we have to look forward to next season.."
         " Well, a win is a win," I offered, "and Brady Hoke has a chance to win coach of the year or some other award."
        " And that's another thing. I hope Brady hasn't  used up all of his magical pixie dust on last night's game. Ever since he stepped into the Big House, everything has gone his way. And then after  the miraculous win over Notre Dame, we knew the fates were on our side. I'm hoping we won't need the same miraculous pixie dust next season."

        Since the Wolverine victory was not helping Buck digest his hash browns, I though he would be eager to discuss the results of the Iowa Republican caucuses. Again, his response was not what I expected. "How are any of these clowns going to beat Obama? They spend months running around the country holding debates in which they all end up looking like fools. I couldn't decide whether the debates more resembled "The Gong Show," or "Send In The Clowns." Then they all descend upon Iowa, spend all that money and generate a piss poor turnout and a virtual tie. The winner gets only 25% of the vote! So 3 out of 4 Iowa Republicans want some one than Romney; or 3 out of 4 want some one other than Santorum. And then we learn that only 5.4% of the Iowa voters participated. Not looking like a first step to taking back the White House, if you know what I mean."
         "At least Romney looks like a front runner going into New Hampshire," I suggest.
         "Ha, New Hampshire. Another little bitty state that doesn't come close to reflecting the rest of the country. Does anybody care who those farmers choose? The few delegates Romney picks up in Iowa and New Hampshire mean very little."
         "So," I asked, "you think Obama will win a second term?"
         "Hell no! We just haven't found the right guy yet, but he's out there somewhere."
         "Or gal?"
         "Doubt that."

Next week, I think I will steer the conversation away from football and politics - they're not good for Buck's digestion.

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