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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Political Campaign Paraphanalia.


The campaign of 2016 has begun. What fun. Rand Paul takes a chain saw to the Federal tax code; Lindsey Graham alternately sets his cell phone on fire and hits it with a baseball bat. Donald Trump is saying stupid things and his Republican opponents, for the most part, do not object because they don't want to offend Donald's "people." Depending on how you count, there are 16 to 20 GOP candidates and at least five Democrats competing for our attention. I'll bet the Founding Fathers had no idea what kind of circus they were creating. 

Not only is the country's TV industry salivating at all the money these people will pay to tell lies about each other, but these days each candidate has her/his own set of merchandise to sell to  loyal followers. Hillary Clinton is selling everything from t-shirts to bottle openers and  spatulas -- all emblazoned with her "H."  While Jeb Bush is selling  campaign buttons, bumper stickers, and car magnets, none of which mention the name, "Bush." An interesting omission.
Lincoln Chafee for President 2016 Sticker
Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appears to hold the lead in terms of negative slogans on T-shirts and bumper stickers. He sells the obligatory "Stop Hillary 2016" button and a T-shirt that says: "Stop the Battle Axe (photo of Hillary) with a CRUZ Missile (photo of Ted)." For his Texas wingnuts he sells a button challenging: "Come and Take It. God and Guns Since 1776." (I wonder how God feels about being used this way.) And for the Tea Party crowd,there is a car magnet featuring a coiled snake with Ted's head and the phrase: "Don't Tread on Ted." I presume the implication is that he will bite your ankle and infect you with his venom.

In contrast,  Lincoln Chaffee has just a few items (I presume they are in metric sizes), but who can resist the slogan: "Lincoln for President."

 On the other hand, I  have in mind another array of T-shirts and buttons that are not yet for sale;

"I'm Dubya's Smarter Brother"  Jeb Bush
"I Slept with Bill Clinton" Hillary
"I'm Bought and Paid For"  Scott Walker
"Christians Rule" Rick Santorum
"Indicted Today, President Tomorrow" Rick Perry

"Work Longer Hours, You Lowlifes" Jeb Bush
"We Are the Party of Stupid" Bobby Jindal
"Apostle Huck is Your Savior" Mike Huckabee
"Keep'em Out!" Donny Trump
"Get on My Bus or Be Run Over" John Kasich

"Rumpled is In" Bernie Sanders
"I Left the Party of Stupid" Lincoln Chaffee
"Please Look at Me." Donny Trump
"Irish Should Apply" Martin O'Malley
"Let's Shut Down the Govt. Again" Ted Cruz

"No Such Thing as Marital Rape" The Donald Trump
"Close That Bridge" Chris Christie
"Fired by HP" Carly Fiorina
"Me and My Dark Money" Scott Walker
"I Spread Misinformation" Rand Paul
"I Don't Have Time for Senate Roll Calls" Marco Rubio*

The quadrennial political circus is back. Get a beverage of your choice, pull up a chair, and watch adults revert to their junior high school personas. 

*Marco is against Paid Leave, but was absent for 1/3 of Senate votes. 

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