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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

GOP Needs a New Candidate

"Is there no one else?"

After last night's GOP presidential debate at Dartmouth, NH, it became obvious the Grand Old Party needs  new blood and in particular a candidate capable of leading the country. The debate not only lacked substance, but without Sarah Palin was downright boring.

While the country is suffering from lack of jobs and the erosion of the middle class. Rick Santorum's and Mitt Romney's solution is to beat up on China. That's good, try to find a foreign villain in order to keep the spotlight off of Wall Street and the American plutocrats. Romney does have a 150 page proposal for the country, but it is a rehash of the failed policies of George Bush and friends.

And then there's Newt Gingrich who wants to arrest and imprison Democratic congressmen and senators. Now that's a solution! Is there anyone who thinks this guy could lead our country?

Herman Cain is the only one who  has offered a somewhat simple and specific plan -- the 9-9-9 plan. He would institute a flat rate of 9 per cent for the federal income taxes, a 9  per cent national sales tax, and a 9 percent corporate tax. This, he says without explanation, would solve our deficit problems and create jobs. Despite its simplistic appeal, this plan would punish the low income citizens and reward the high income folks. An all-too typical GOP proposal.

Michele Bachmann who really doesn't have a plan suggests that Cain's 9-9-9 plan is devilish because 999 turned upside down is "666." Good one, Michele! Jon Huntsman attacks and ridicules Cain's plan by saying he thought it referred to 'the price of pizza" -- apparently a reference to the fact that Herman Cain was the CEO of the Godfather Pizza company. We can be thankful he didn't ask, "Where's the beef?"

Since Ron Paul is not worried about unemployment and the middle class, he was rambling on about the wisdom of some Austrian economists.

Rick Perry was a confused bystander throughout the debate. I think he was dreaming about "shootin" critters at his West Texas hunting camp.

The evening was not too encouraging either for the GOP or the country.

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