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Monday, March 1, 2010

Kaptur to Toyota and HSA: It's Criminal

While some congressmen were "playing nice" with Mr Toyoda when he testified before Congress last week, one congresswoman from Toledo, OH, said exactly what was on her mind and the minds of many U.S. citizens:

"'Mr. Toyoda I am not satisfied with your testimony,' Kaptur said. 'I am being very forthcoming. I do not feel it reflects sufficient remorse for those who have died.'

Kaptur says the U.S. government is partially to blame to for the Toyota recall problem. She says the government did not look into accidents. In fact, she believes the accidents�were intentionally covered up.

'Now it looks as though there was insider dealing, where Toyota hired some people who used to work for the Highway Safety Administration, then they went back to work with their former colleagues, to eliminate investigation of the vast majority of the cases. It's criminal.'" (WTOL)

Toyota, it seems, has learned how to play the American system: contribute lavishly to certain congressmen from states in which you operate plants, and hire at a high salary people from HSA so they can go back to HSA to squash investigations critical to Toyota.

We can only hope that Congresswoman Kaptur pursues this issue because, as she says, IT IS CRIMINAL. It is also obvious that there are people in Washington who want to surreptitiously protect Toyota.

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