One would think that in 2012 an American citizen would know exactly what she/he is getting when voting for a presidential candidate. An informed electorate is the basis of a sound democracy and with a plethora of modern information technologies, one expects today's voters to be informed and confident of their decision. This year those expectations have to be placed on hold because #1) there is so much misinformation being circulated and #2) Mitt Romney has recently switched his position on most of the major issues of the day, leaving the voters uncertain as to which position he really believes.
In addition, Romney is the candidate who ordered his staff to destroy Massachusetts' state records before he left the Governor's office. He obviously wanted to keep the public from knowing what occurred during his years as governor. In addition, unlike all other recent presidential candidates, he refuses to release his federal income tax returns. Voters have to wonder what they would learn if they ever had the chance to see his returns in light of the fact that the 2010 return (the one he apparently judged to be the least damning) revealed that Mitt had millions in tax havens in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.
He appears to be a man intent on keeping the voters in the dark and confused as to his real position on the issues. He has changed his position on almost all major issues of the day. These are just some of the issues he once supported and now rejects: Roe vs. Wade, stem cell research, raising the minimum wage, assault weapons ban, LGBT equality, belief in global warming, campaign finance reform, Bush tax cuts,
don't-ask-don't-tell policy, the individual health care mandate, and capital gains tax. This is just a partial list and most readers will recall other Romney Reversals.
If candidate Romney specializes in reversals and secrecy, one would assume that a president Romney will continue down the same slippery slope. A Romney cabinet will need to be expanded to include: a Secretary of Revision whose full-time job would be to explain the ongoing Romney Reversals, and a Secretary of Concealment who would be in charge of shredding government documents.
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