I was wrong in thinking that Buck and I would be discussing the 2012 Olympics at our weekly breakfast at Nick's. I'm loving the Olympics. Although I spend most of my Olympic television time watching tennis, I am fascinated by almost everything, particularly water polo, archery, rowing, and of course women's beach volley ball. In addition, married to an ex-swimming coach, I spend an inordinate amount of time watching swimming events.
With several badminton teams being disqualified for "throwing" matches and the questions surrounding a teenage Chinese girl swimming laps faster than some of the top men, I was confident that I could get a "rant and rave" from Buck. Not to happen. Buck's concern with the Olympics was with the "weird" opening ceremonies. "You know you're in trouble," he said, "when you are producing a visual spectacle, and you need commentators to explain why these children in their pajamas are jumping around on illuminated hospital beds. The visuals should speak for themselves without the assistance of commentators. Not to mention a fake queen parachuting into the stadium. Only in England would people think that was cool."
"Well, I thought that was good British humor," I said. "But what about this 16 year-old Chinese girl, Ye Shiwen? "
"An old story. The Olympic establishment supports her now, but down the road they will find out how she cheated. Remember the the East German women swimmers; remember the girl from Ireland? Eventually, years later, they discover the truth -- they cheated.."
Our waitress brought us our coffees and wanted to take our orders. I ordered my usual Boston Breakfast realizing that I would need to starve for two days to counteract the effects. Buck, on the other hand, told Sara to bring him anything that did not have chicken in it. "What about a cheese and ham omelet?" she suggested.
"Excellent," Buck said. "Just no damn chicken!"
"Wow. that was a little over the top," I said.
"Over the top, you say? I'll tell you what's over the top! The CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, spending millions of dollars of his profits to attack the marriage of people who love each other. He's obviously made a fortune selling his stupid chicken, but that does not give him the right to tell other free American citizens who they can marry. These guys are hypocrites. They spend hours talking about freedom, but they want to dictate the parameters of that freedom for the rest of us. Thank God, our founding fathers were not anal types like these guys."
"Well, it's his money. I guess He can spend it as he chooses. The Robert's Supreme Court in Citizens United pretty much said anyone can anonymously spend whatever they want to influence public opinion,."
"If you want to discuss Citizens United, we'll be here for 78 hours, so I will spare you the explanation of why that was the most undemocratic decision of American history. In fact, John McCain would probably agree with me on that one.What I am trying to impress on you is that, although HATE speech is protected in this country, it requires non-haters to speak up in defense of the minorities. The Klu Klux Klan is permitted to espouse their racial hate, but that doesn't mean the rest of us should refrain from pointing out the idiocy of their position."
Sara served our breakfast plates and assured Buck there was no chicken in his omelet. As we we attacked our food, I pointed out to Buck, "Well there multitudes who disagree with you on this Chick-fil-A thing. Former Republican presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee, declared August 1st to be 'Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,' and crowds across the country lined up at branches to demonstrate their support for Dan Cathy's anti-gay stance."
"Oh without a doubt. There are many frightened bigots and hate-mongers out there, and they can be mobilized almost instantly when the right code words are used. They were out in force Wednesday with the Palins and the Santorums wallowing in their fear and hate, but will they be flocking to Chick-fil-A branches two months from now, after the spotlights have been turned off? Of course not. In fact, sociologists should refer to this phenomenon as the "Chick-fil-A Effect." defined as an irrational outpouring of support for institutions who are in denial of the the evil they tolerate or encourage." Buck was beckoning Sara back to our table. ''Sara, I want you to witness the fact that I at this very hour on this very day was the first to identify and define 'The Chick-fil-A Effect.' You can tell your grandchildren that you were here on this momentous occasion."
"I guess," a bewildered Sara said, "I should be honored. But I don't know what you're talking about. And furthermore I would never go to a Chick-fil-A. We sell real, farm-raised, organic chicken here. I have no interest in your processed chicken."
"Good girl!" Buck said as he tried to pat her behind, but Sara knew her clientele and deftly stepped back and out of Buck's reach.
" So, Buck," I asked. "You think this is a sociological principle?
"Absolutely. It applies to all aspects of society -- politics, religion, business, sports, international affairs, you name it."
"Sports? I think you're pushing it."
"Two words -- Penn State. Need I say more?"
"Yes you do need to say more. Explain it to the idiot who agrees to meet you for breakfast once a week."
"Do I have to? Well, here it is. Jerry Sandusky, a successful assistant coach and friend of head coach, Joe Paterno, gets caught abusing young boys in the football facility. According to the Freeh Report, Paterno and the University cover it up to protect 'the program.' When these findings are revealed, students and fans go to the streets in support of the number one Nittany Lion, Joe Paterno. But we will see the real "Chick-fil-A Effect" this fall. Although the football program has been sanctioned by the NCAA and the Big Ten, the fans will turn out in force for home games. Tickets will be in demand and hotel rooms and dinner reservations will be hard to come by. Win or lose, the fans will make a statement of their support and sports commentators will be gushing about the loyalty. But then, see what happens the following years when the team struggles with limited recruiting opportunities? Then we will see the corolloray of the "Chick-fil-A Effect"-- the initial enthusiasm dissipates as reality sets in. Ticket prices will fall and hotel rooms will be plentiful."
"That may be," I agreed, " but we will have to wait and see."
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